Thursday, March 15, 2007

I hate death

I hate death.

My sister in Christ, Amy, gently left this part of creation tonight to touch the face of God - a face that she reflected so brightly throughout the time that I have known her.

She and her family had persevered together for the past two years battling a cancer that slowly took over...and took away....her body.

But Christ remained in her as she abided in Him.....and could not be defeated.
A friend invited me to go along with her to see Amy today - a few hours before she died.

My memories will be of her smile....her hug....her whispers....her family gathered....the peaceful spirit that filled a sterile environment.

It reminded me of my Mom's struggle with lung cancer some years ago - and her last words to me being "I feel so loved". Amy felt that....and expressed that....and shared that as well in her own way.

I hate death.

But I love Christ.....and His victory over death....and know that He loves me.....and Amy......and those that now continue on.

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