Sunday, April 13, 2008

Conference Quotes

Here are some of the random quotes that are rolling around in my head as I continue to process and think about all that I heard while at the Shift Conference at Willow Creek. This is simply a brain dump - no particular order and all quotes are obviously taken out of read with caution! (I have also done my best to give credit where credit is due...)

Kara Powell

"Balance is what we find as we swing from one extreme to the other."
"Red Bull Youth Ministry"
"When God is looking at you what expression do you see?"
"Don't do mindless youth ministry"
"Resources make it too easy" (Don't need to rely upon God!)

Aaron Niequist

"Unforgiveness is a poison that we drink in hoping it kills someone else" (Rory Noland?)
"Talking about music is like dancing about architecture." (Elvis Costello?)
"Worship opens our eyes to what is already there."
"What are the words we are putting on peoples lips?"
"To work in a church is to get hurt." (We are human after all! What are you doing with the hurt inside of you?)

Shane Claiborne

"Where is your Calcutta?" (Mother Theresa?)
"Don't just look at people differently - look at them with new eyes - the eyes of Jesus."
"Look for Jesus in his most distressing disguises."
"It's not how much we do, it's how much we love."

Mark Yaconelli

"In this culture - cancer/illness - is our Sabbath."

Other speakers that I heard were Dan Kimball and Brian McClaren.

Dan was probably my fave speaker - even tho I have no quotes to share. He had a great message of balance in living/sharing Christ for the here and now...and for sharing Christ to impact others for the future of our eternal lives in (or outside of) the Kingdom. Was an important message for me to hear in those moments.

Brian was also great to hear. I had heard him speak once before and got to hear him twice during the conference. His spoke with gentelness and respect- challenged my thinking - and was gracious. I truly enjoyed his words of looking at the issues the church focuses on vs. the issues that people are dealing with. Opened up a bigger picture...good words...that hopefully lead to action for furthering God's Kingdom.

So there ya go! Don't you feel like you were there now....


Anonymous said...

hi dave! bet you didn't know that i still checked in on your blog once in a while to see if you'd updated! anyways. i had an awesome time at the conference with you! and the book you got just what i need...and i'm almost done..and think i might have to read it again just to get it all..and maybe even a third time! but it was interesting to me the quotes that you put down..and the things you took from each speaker...not that i didn't take most of what you got too...but not all was the same! very interesting!

Darrin said...

thanks for the sharing. maybe together we can encourage each other to not let a year go by without posting. :)