Friday, July 28, 2006

Summer youth group activities - what's the value?

Trips to the amusement park, gatherings for swimming/BBQ's, movies, bowling, paint ball, "the mission trip", bike trips, etc....

These are some of the types of activities that I have tried to schedule this summer for our youth. Our regular "programming" stops over the summer and we do 3-5 special events along with a mission trip.

At times, I wonder, what impact having these events has. Now I must say I can't imagine not doing a mission trip over the summer, especially having just returned from Mexico and the cool things I saw happen there to me and the youth that went along. But the other events i struggle with.

What are your thoughts?

If a parent - do you think there is value in these gatherings or is it "just another thing." If there is value - what is it? How does that value compare to the value of a sports practice, play practice, band practice, etc? What is your hope for your child in attending these events?

If a youth worker - what is your purpose in having these events? Do you think that purpose is accomplished? Do you think your group would be negatively affected if you didn't schedule these outings?

If a student - do you see these gatherings different than other outings you go on during the summer? If so, how so? What are the factors that help you decide whether to go to a "youth group" event or not?

Do you think there is a better way for achieving what you feel God's plan is for the kids He has entrusted you with over the summer?

I'd love to hear your thoughts......(both of you!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Purpose/Value of Summer Events from a parent's perspective: Keep the momentum of the "church" going year round; to continue to foster the kid friendships that have been created; to spend time with God and put aside the sports, band, etc. for a just a few minutes; to be with other adults and build trusting, caring relationships with them as well.....However, time could be well spent evaluating Wexaclty WHAT events fit the"criteria" and HOW many events are necessary.